Giulio Meotti
Giulio Meottiצילום: עצמי

Giulio Meotti is an Italian journalist with Il Foglio and writes a twice-weekly column for Arutz Sheva. He is the author of 20 books, including "A New Shoah", that researched the personal stories of Israel's terror victims, published by Encounter. His writing has appeared in publications such as the Wall Street Journal, Gatestone Institute and Die Weltwoche. He is also a Middle East Forum Writing Fellow.

“I will transform London into a beacon of Islam”, was the electoral motto of the Labor Party's Ken Livingstone.

Well done: objective achieved successfully.

The result is Orwell's 1984 applied to Londonistan.

While a Jewish actress was advised by the police not to leave the London theater besieged by pro-Hamas demonstrators, Jewish students fled from a university and an English MP revealed that he was threatened with being "burned alive" by Islamists, a protester who carried a banner reading “Hamas is terrorist” was arrested in London for holding a sign against Islamic fundamentalists, while pro-Palestinians walked past him.

Niyak Ghorbani was dragged to the ground and handcuffed by officers nearby during yet another pro-Palestinian march in London. As police held him down, Biyak shouted: "Shame on you."

Interesting that Ghorbani is an Iranian exile in England, while it is the white woke who are pro-Hamas and radical Islam.

London, where 640 buses carry the insignia to the "glory of Allah", has meanwhile become "a no-go area for Jews", denouncing the UK Commissioner for the fight against extremism, Robin Simcox, who revealed a concerning rise in increasingly radicalised and organised anti-blasphemy activism in the UK..

And the Jews leave London.

A shiver down your spine, dear sincere democrats? No?

In “The Flying Inn”, written a hundred years ago but which imagines the England of today, Chesterton denounced the cowardice of the West, which not only tries to adapt to the religion of Muhammad but allies itself with it. The character of Lord Ivywood, an English aristocrat and politician, embodies this collaboration of the elites who favor Islamic penetration in the name of progress.

While the Iranian protester against Hamas was arrested, on the roofs of the London Underground stations masked men in black proclaimed the Caliphate.

Integration? England is becoming the United Kingdom of Allah.

Reading the Daily Mail one would say that Tower Hamlets should be renamed “Tower Hamas”.

David Goodhart in the Times publishes a long essay to explain that the English are losing their country due to too much ethnic and cultural "diversity".

Meanwhile, a police battalion was needed to protect the statue of Winston Churchill from the pro-Palestinian Taliban. What an impressive Western decline! In England, schools erase the names of Elizabethan heroes Walter Raleigh and Francis Drake to be "inclusive".

Meanwhile, at Cambridge University, pro-Palestinian vandals defaced the painting of Lord Balfour, who a century ago wrote the declaration that recognized the right of the Jews to a homeland in Jerusalem.

Political correctness is the death of civilization.

But "all is well" in the United Kingdom of diversity, with the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, turning on the Ramadan lights last night. Change is underway, Islamization continues successfully.

A frightening dystopia, where the fools and Islamists are the party that is always right. A debased civilization, headed towards an advancing nothingness. Safe path for a defeat that will make history.