On Monday, Chabad of Miami held a dinner for IDF soldiers, with the participation of singers Avraham Fried, Yonatan Razel, and IDF cantor Shai Abramson. Nearly 150 children from the community were present as well.
The high point of the evening came when a video from the son of the local Chabad-Lubavitch emissary, who is currently an IDF soldier fighting in Gaza, was shown on projector screens.
The video showed a greeting to his parents, who were on the podium as honorees. After the video, Yonatan Razel began to sing his new song Latzet Medika'on, (Escaping Depression), which has become the anthem of the war.
In the middle of the song, Razel was stopped by the director of Chabad of Florida, who invited the soldier to get on stage as well. The soldier had arrived especially from Israel to surprise his parents, who had not seen him for several months.