Former US President Donald Trump has a 4 percent advantage over current President Joe Biden, according to a New York Times/Siena College poll published on Saturday.
Of respondents who said they were likely to vote, 48 percent said they would vote for Trump if the presidential election were to be held today, compared to 44 percent who said they would vote for Biden.
Among registered voters, Trump had support from 48 percent of respondents and Biden 43 percent.
With a choice between Nikki Haley, Trump’s last remaining Republican primary opponent, and Biden, 46 percent of respondents favored Haley and 37 percent favored Biden.
In addition, 47 percent of likely voters expressed strong disapproval for Biden’s leadership, marking the highest disapproval of the President reflected in the New York Times/Siena College poll during his presidency.
Biden is not alone in his unpopularity, however, as Trump came away from the poll with a net 44 percent favorability, compared to Biden’s 41 percent.
Democratic voters also expressed doubts over whether Biden should be the Democratic nominee, with a roughly even split between respondents who think he should be the nominee (48 percent) and those who think he should not be (43 percent).