An unusual couple approached the Rabbinical Court in Tel Aviv for a divorce - the husband was both deaf and mute, and the wife was deaf, mute, and blind.
The two were married two and a half years ago and separated only a few months after the wedding. They recently appealed to the Rabbinical Court to issue a divorce, and the case was referred to the chief judge of Tel Aviv, Rabbi Zechariah Cohen.
Due to their unique status, the Rabbinical Court communicated with the husband through a caretaker who served to interpret the Court's message into sign language. The Court communicated with the wife through an interpreter who used physical contact to convey the message.
Rabbi Cohen conducted the case with patience and sensitivity. The rabbi confirmed that the husband and wife understood the implications of a divorce and were both requesting it of their own free will.
At the end of the deliberations, the divorce document was issued using a specialized text used for the deaf and mute, finalizing their legal divorce in full accordance with Jewish law.