Giulio Meotti
Giulio Meottiצילום: עצמי

The mayor of Marseille gave 80,000 euros to the United Nations agency for Palestinian Arabs, UNRWA, of which dozens of members are accused of participating in the October 7 massacre. Socialist mayor Benoît Payan had initially suspended the decision due to the controversy.

Why give money to an agency whose complicity in the massacres is proven and under whose headquarters in Gaza a Hamas tunnel and bunker have just been found?

Because Eurabia is Hamas' best ally.

Marseille is the second largest city in France and is already 30-40 percent Muslim. George Soros' Open Society also certifies this. Causeur magazine writes that “well over 50 percent of the Marseille population is North African and black African.”

The president of the Jewish community of Marseille, Zvi Ammar, asked fellow believers not to wear Jewish symbols on the street. Too dangerous. Like in Gaza. A student attempted to assassinate a Jewish teacher, "in the name of Allah," because he was wearing a kippah.

Arab countries have distanced themselves from the Palestinian Arabs, considering them “troublemakers and liars,” says the Algerian novelist Boualem Sansal. “The Palestinians have thus turned to the West. All European countries have decided to support the Palestinians, financially and diplomatically. The Palestinians gained more from the West than from the Arab countries that sought to exploit them for internal reasons. The Palestinians have embassies in Paris, London, in the United States... This lobbying worked magnificently and we began to see more and more condemnations of Israel from Western countries."

-Donation to UNRWA from Norway.

-Donation to UNRWA by Belgium.

-Donation to UNRWA by Scotland's Muslim Prime Minister Humza Yousef.

Islamic fundamentalists know the soft underbelly of the West and they slide into it like a knife through butter. And if there is a country that is more slacker than others, it is Spain.

“Zorra”, this is the title of the single with which Nebulossa represent Spain at Eurovision. It is placed in the semantic field more or less at the crossroads between "bitch" and "slut", a word that occurs dozens of times in the Nebulossa song at the center of the debate this week since it was selected to represent Spain in the Eurovision Song Contest .

Irene Montero, leader of Podemos candidate in the European elections and former minister of Equality, defended the song and said that the debate must revolve around the participation of Israel, which should be kicked out of Eurovision. Montero said that “Zorra” can be liked "more or less", but that "the fundamental thing about Eurovision is to boycott Israel.

The Spanish Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, also defended "Zorra", as did the Minister of Inclusion, Elma Saiz.

A country represented by a hymn to sluts.

Not bad for a government whose women parliamentarians attacked Israel on October 7 and whose Equality Minister, Ana Redondo, participated in demonstrations against sexism without saying anything about Hamas. Not only that, we saw Hamas “thanked” the city of Barcelona and the Spanish government for their support.

A high-ranking Spanish state official, Yolanda Diaz Perez, leader of the ruling Movimiento Sumar, second vice-president of the government and minister of labor, harangued a crowd in Cadiz on October 7 expressing support for the "brothers and sisters of the Palestinian people."

Strange that in Israel Sánchez’s government is seen as a defender of Hamas.

Not bad, for a government that calls itself "feminist", that has half of its ministers being women, that has launched the toy strike with which the Ministry of Consumer Affairs wanted to prevent girls from asking for dolls - and boys for balls - for Christmas; who created the “Law to guarantee sexual freedom”, the law of “only yes is yes” with the cry “never​more rapes classified as abuse", and who even promoted an app to "measure" how household chores are distributed in each family and fight "sexism": the woman in the kitchen, the man on the sofa.

Equality Minister Montero said that "all cultures and religions" have ways "of oppressing women" and "disciplining their bodies." "It happens in Afghanistan, but also in Spain”.

In Spain, where “sluts” are held up as examples of feminism? On El Mundo, Iranian women exiles in Spain meanwhile attack the socialist government for its silence on Iranian girls who fight against the state veil in Tehran.

What remains of the spirit of the West blows out of its soft borders.