US President Joe Biden and his administration have no plans to place conditions on military aid provided to Israel during the current war, CNN reported, quoting officials.
The administration's position stands despite increasing pressure by Democratic lawmakers and organizations to stop providing Israel with weapons unless Israel takes additional steps to protect Gaza civilians from the fighting.
The Hamas terror organization claims that thousands of Gaza civilians have been injured or killed by IDF fire. Meanwhile, Hamas terrorists embed themselves in civilian infrastructure, using those same Gazan civilians as human shields.
Speaking to Democratic donors in Washington earlier this week, Biden acknowledged the number of alleged civilian casualties in Gaza, but said, "We’re not going to do a damn thing other than protect Israel in the process. Not a single thing."
US officials also told CNN that the US does not plan to change its position or "draw any red lines around the transfer of weapons and munitions to Israel." The US, does, however, expect that US-manufactured equipment will be used in accordance with international law, and the officials pointed out that Israel takes efforts to ensure that this is so.