Uri Maklev
Uri MaklevOlivier Fitoussi/Flash90

Deputy Minister Uri Maklev (United Torah Judaism) strongly criticized Minister Benny Gantz (National Unity) for his opposition to the proposed budget for the haredi community.

"The budget that was passed is a good budget that gives a broad answer to the citizens. The statements against the budget came from Benny Gantz, and it was hard to believe that they actually believe what they said. They proclaimed slogans written by their so-called advisors," he told Kol Hai.

"What Gantz said caused considerable friction during wartime, and if that is what is important to him there is considerable doubt if he is really fit to lead the country. This is especially true in light of the unity government, and the result is significant damage to the haredi community."

"The proposed budget is, essentially, support for students by adding paid working hours for teachers, which allows them to give time for supplementary instruction in reading and mathematics. We cannot differentiate between children."

"All the coalition funds have been viewed as inappropriate for use. The public perhaps thinks that we want all the coalition funds, but one needed to be the highest level of official to know how hard we have to fight to add our interests to the basic budget."

Regarding the possibility of adding Yisrael Beytenu chair MK Avigdor Liberman to the government, he commented: "We are not seeking friends or partners, only a unity government to run the war."

Regarding the haredi draft law, Maklev claimed: "That is not being discussed at the moment."