Journalist Kobi Nachshoni on Monday morning reported in Yediot Aharonot that a soldier in an elite IDF unit turned to the military rabbinic court for conversion, asking to expedite the process which he began over ten months ago.
After fighting with his unit in Kfar Aza on October 7, the soldier and his unit were sent to northern Israel, where he turned to the rabbinic military court for conversion.
Standing in front of the court, the soldier explained, in a voice choked with tears, why he desired to expedite the process.
"I really wanted to come here today and complete the conversion, because I know that I may die in battle - and if that happens, G-d forbid, I want to die as a Jew," he explained. "This is why it is important to me not to wait.
At the end of the discussion, he said, "Everything that happened in the battles came out of me at that moment. This is the first time I allowed myself to let out everything that I had bottled up inside of me since the beginning of the war. Because of everything I saw there, I understood that I need to do everything in order to complete the conversion process as quickly as possible."
On the day he appeared before the rabbinical court, the conversion process was completed.