We: Mourn our brave sons and daughters who fell in the defense of our country from the intentions of a brutal enemy. We sincerely feel the pain of their families. May the Lord of the Universe avenge their blood, and my their sacrifice not have been in vain.
We: Are now fighting the second war for our independence and the experiences echo of of the 1930s, when Nazi hordes hunted for Jews.
The: Mass demonstrations are based on ignorance and the biased reporting of the international media who do not understand the history.
Hear: The word of the son of a Hamas leader, in support of Israel, who speaks frankly to the Arabs.
Unfortunately: The Jewish diaspora is deluding itself. This program clearly shows the situation in Europe and the US. Anti-Semitism is rising at an unprecedented rate, comparable with the Nazi era. We appeal to the Jewish Diaspora: Save our children.
The: Visit to Israel of Secretary Blinken is designed to effect a ceasefire, only to be able to extract the foreign national hostages, irrespective of the consequences for Israel. We shall fight until our objective is reached, said our Prime Minister. Blinken also wants us to exchange the terror of Hamas for rule in Gaza by Mahmoud Abbas, who pays to slay Jews. It will not happen.
Biden’s: Choice of US ambassador to Israel is unfortunate. Jack Lew was responsible for paying Iran millions as a result of the Iran deal of 2015. Listen to the show to learn more.
Also: The latest from the world affecting Jews.