Jewish women
Jewish womenFlash 90

Daily we are reminded which day it is since the Shabbat morning of Simchas Torah that will forever be etched in the minds of the Jewish people as the Hamas Massacre.

I am certainly not any kind of military expert but then after such an event my confidence in the best of them has been shattered...but I must believe they are the best because they are leading this war!

I am simply a mother, and BH an Israeli now for over 40 years, and one thing I have learned living here is that everyone has an opinion, and, so do I! And for what it is worth I will humbly share a few thoughts.

Hamas is a mindset! A terrorist organization too. And a political entity that was voted into power by the very people that live there. According to statistics from the last election in 2006, they received 65% of the vote. This is their ideology, Hamas is not a fringe group!

From their barbaric cruelty, we know their sadism has no bounds. And if that wer not enough, they then kidnapped over 200 men, women and children, and even taped their barbarism. My compassion for anyone in Gaza is absolutely nonexistent. They are all complicit, and must be held accountable.

And do you actually believe that those hundreds of miles of tunnels were built without their knowledge? Not only did they know, many of them built them! Now they must be brought to their knees, and punished collectively until they surrender, or die! The arial bombing must continue without mercy.

We, the people, and particularly the women cannot sit by hoping that our leaders will take care of business. We must demand that humanitarian aid be conditional on the release of our hostages from Gaza. This is a language they will understand better, as their water, food and fuel is depleted.

War is ugly and painful, but they brought it upon themselves. There are no innocent Gazans! The initial government position was that of a total siege on Gaza until our hostages were released. Biden’s visit seems to have changed that! Yes, we buckled. We must have had no choice as we need the Iron Dome and other arms. And the trucks started moving in.

What happened? The world leaders came and forced us to have pity on the “innocent” civilians? As the world shows their true colors with tremendous support for the Arabs, we must recognize once again that nobody will take care of us, other than ourselves. And if our leaders are losing courage we, the women, must remind them that those hostages could be anyone one of us!

We must show the radical progresives and the world that what happened that infamous Saturday morning will be repaid in kind. Call it revenge, call it whatever you like, but proportionality is a non starter. If every last Gazan needs to die to understand that we, the Jewish people will no longer be slaughtered for your pathetic pity, but will fight like David with Goliath, with no fear, then we can win this war.

Destroying only Hamas terrorists truly is not an option. The minds of the children are poisoned as well. Our mission is to seek revenge for those innocent souls that are crying out from the ground and exact the appropriate response to their brutal murders. Only then will we triumph over this depraved evil. To win this war, we must convince our enemies that Hamas is responsible for their misery, not Israel!

I am convinced that this is the war against Amalek and we must fight this war accordingly. Praying that we have the courage and strength to win. Am sure with G-d’s help we will triumph, the light will overcome the darkness. Am Yisrael Chai! ...

In the merit of the righteous women we were freed from Egypt. In the merit of the righteous, mothers, grandmothers and sisters of our brave soldiers (male and female), who pray tearfully and wait anxiously at home for their loved ones to return, we will be freed of Hamas..