The project's founders
The project's foundersTel Aviv University

A group of students from the Lowy International School at Tel Aviv University set out to promote verified information about what is happening in Israel.

The group established Instagram, TikTok, X, and Facebook pages in order to promote the stories of the victims and survivors of the massacre. Every post that appears goes through a meticulous check to verify facts and cross-reference information from different information sources. Also, as part of the initiative, a database was created regarding the October 7 massacre.

Maria Alal, one of the founders of the project, said: "We are a diverse group of students from different backgrounds, different religions and different nationalities, and different political positions. We try to convey the facts as we see them on the ground."

Ari Spielman, one of the founders of the project, added: "In war, the truth is the first to die, therefore, we, in the initiative, see great importance in spreading reliable information that has been verified and is based on facts. We verify the stories of the survivors and upload them so that there will not be a situation in the future where someone can deny the fact that it happened because denying the Holocaust, denying genocide are things that happen every day, even nowadays when we have pictures and verified information."

Following the initiative, an open letter calling for the use of verified and reliable information and raising awareness of the fire situation was signed by approximately 150 international students from many countries in the world, including Malta, the USA, Canada, Russia, Ukraine, France, Poland, and Hong Kong.