King David had no love for his enemies. He knew evil as something that needed to be rooted out, otherwise it would spread.
So right he was, as always.
In Psalm 14, he says, of his enemies, and of his false friends, “There is no doer of good, there is not even one.”
True then, true today…and throughout his Psalms, David keeps asking why, in astonishment, the wicked continue to flourish.
He found no answer, and neither do we today.
Diogenes, the Greek philosopher, used to walk with a lamp in search of an honest man. Instead, he found rascals and scoundrels.
In Israel, the mendacity against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has reached the point where a man of distinction, a man who ran as a candidate for the High Court, runs loose with his tongue and accuses Netanyahu of being a spy for Iran. He later took that back, with the explanation that he was speaking metaphorically.
This way or that way, the guy was obviously tuned into our own Rep. Adam Schiff here in America…Schiff, the spinner of yarns against Donald Trump.
Yes, that Schiff.
For those two impeachment hearings, and for a span of some four years, Schiff was the voice that roared, and roared loudest.
Up and down the network dials, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, he kept waving a paper in which he declared was the proof that Trump was a spy for Russia.
They believed him, because they wanted to believe him.
Turns out that this paper he was waving, was empty.
Now, ladies and gentlemen, is Schiff in hiding for failure to deliver? When Babe Ruth pointed to the seats, he delivered a homerun.
No homerun for Schiff He could not manage even a single.
But not at all is he ashamed. To the contrary, he is running for Senate, 2024, and, put your money on this, he will win.
California, after all.
The fund raising is at a torrid pace from Schiff and hundreds more across the country, all of whom, in their emails call me “Friend,” please send money.
Send it quick, they plead, because we’re falling behind on this month’s quota.
The line I like best comes from Team Schiff, which runs as, “Adam has worked tirelessly to fight corruption.”
Do people buy such bunk? Half the country, yes. They know nothing because the media have erected an Iron Curtain against any news that might prove harmful against Joe Biden or any Democrat. So most Americans remain in the dark about House Hearings that allegedly reveal Joe as the recipient of dark money. In a word, influence peddling.
Zero coverage of alleged corruption so flagrant.
Nor do these Americans know that just today tearful Gold Star parents testified about Biden’s misbegotten retreat from Afghanistan, which caused the murder of their sons in Kabul.
Whether through David Muir at ABC, Norah O’Donnell on CBS, and Lester Holt on NBC, the media won’t tell.
The blackout is complete. No man or woman among them stands up to be counted away from this confederacy of deceivers.
Rather, they focus on Trump. As we once wrote, Jan 6 is their Purim, and Trump is their Haman…likewise in Israel via Netanyahu.
It’s all rigged, just as King David said it was, 3,000 years earlier.
New York-based bestselling American novelist Jack Engelhard writes regularly for Arutz Sheva.
He wrote the worldwide book-to-movie bestseller “Indecent Proposal.” NEW. A free sample chapter of his gambling thriller, “Compulsive,” is available on his website. Contemporaries have hailed him “The last Hemingway, a writer without peer, and the conscience of us all.” Contact. Website here
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