Former MK Abir Kara will be charged, subject to a hearing, with crimes of forgery under aggravated circumstances, fraud, and breach of trust, after he voted twice in the Knesset plenum.
Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara is considering trying Kara after she decided to accept the recommendation of State Attorney Amit Isman.
Suspicions are that in July 2021, during the vote on one of the reservations regarding the National Insurance Institute Law, Kara voted from his own screen, and then leaned over towards the seat of MK Idit Silman and voted from her screen, as she made her way to her place.
By doing so, Kara, while Kara was serving as an MK and a Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Office, created an indication in the system which seemed to reflect the votes of two different MKs, while in actuality he himself voted twice.
After MKs who were sitting near him warned him to report to the Knesset Speaker that he had voted twice, he did so.
Responding to the report, Kara said, "At the beginning of my term as an MK, I made a mistake and I reported it immediately to the Knesset Speaker - within only a few seconds, as can be seen in the video clip, in order to fix it, and the count was indeed fixed. There was no attempt to vote twice. I made a mistake."
"I obviously will cooperate with the law enforcement authorities, and I have no doubt that it will end in nothing. Regardless, I hope that every elected official who notices that he made a mistake will take full responsibility for his actions and act to fix them, as I did in the plenum.
"Everything that happens in life happens for the good. Any challenge, any test. We will do, and with G-d's help we will succeed. Everything is for the good," Kara concluded.