Hanoch Milwidsky
Hanoch MilwidskyArutz Sheva

MK Hanoch Milwidsky (Likud) has emphasized that the judicial reform will happen - even if agreements are not reached with the opposition.

Speaking to 103 FM Radio, Milwidsky said, "Anyone who has lived the Likud, or the right in general, in recent months, knows that there is an unanimous demand from our public to see something from the reform pass."

"There will be a reform," he promised. "We hope that the issues will pass with [broad] agreement. I am part of the staff [holding dialogue in] the President's Residence, and we are really doing everything we can in order to ensure that this passes with agreement [from the opposition]. But if it does not pass with agreement, we will need to legislate the changes to the judicial system that we see necessary, even without agreement."

"Again, I will repeat, and I very very much hope, and the instruction which I received as a member of the Prime Minister's delegation and from top coalition officials, is unambiguous: Turn over every stone to ensure that there will be agreements. And that is what we are doing."

Milwidsky added, "The reform is alive and kicking, and it really isn't dead. The unambiguous demand of those who sent us to the Knesset is changes to the judicial system, and that is what we are going to do. I really hope it will be in an agreeable fashion."