Jonathan Pollard
Jonathan PollardNoam Revkin Fenton/Flash90

So what exactly is the story behind Pollard's campaign?

Thousands from Israel and around the world have already joined Jonathan Pollard's crowdfunding campaign. Now, we'd like to answer some questions about the Center for Jewish Education named for Jonathan's late wife, Esther Pollard Z"L, what it will represent, and how it will operate.

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Why did Jonathan choose to memorialize Esther specifically in a Jewish children's education center?

As we know, along with the enormous cost of 35 years of imprisonment and numerous restrictions, the thing that hurt Jonathan and Esther more than anything was the fact that they did not merit to have children of their own. This enormous pain became a lot sharper about a year ago, when soon after she was able to make Aliyah with her husband, Esther passed away due to complications from cancer.

But instead of being angry with himself and the world for the tremendous pain caused to his late wife, Jonathan decided to direct the energy toward adding life and goodness to the world by establishing a Jewish educational center in Tel Aviv that will emphasize the values that Esther stood for - unity within the Jewish people, and an unyielding bond to Jewish tradition.

So what will this center actually entail?

The center that will be established, G-d willing, will operate in a unique model that Jonathan developed together with other partners. This method combines early childhood education with informal educational frameworks in the afternoons intended for the later ages in order to promote Jewish unity and ancient traditions.

For the purpose of establishing the center, Jonathan turned to the "Aviv HaTorah" organization founded by Rabbi Micha Halevi, which has extensive experience in the field and which, at his request, took on a very significant partnership both in financing the center, and operation immediately upon its establishment.

Why will it be located in Tel Aviv?

It is important to educate Israeli children about the significance of unity and the understanding that our tradition is what unites us all. Tel Aviv exerts a tremendous cultural influence on the entire State of Israel and the success of this endeavor will lead to its expansion to the rest of the country.

Join the "Esther's Children" project now

How many children will study at the center?

The permanent building will, G-d willing, include kindergarten classes for about 160 preschool-age children, and a total of 500 children and families will participate in informal afternoons activities on a yearly basis.

Will there be other activities at the center outside of school hours?

Certainly, according to the plan drawn up by Jonathan last year together with Aviv HaTorah, the center will also include activities based on the Jewish calendar and weekly Torah portion, workshops on Israeli tradition, and special performances, thereby allowing the center to continue a connection between the families that will continue for years to come, and include preparations for Bar and Bat Mitzvah ceremonies."

Since there are just a few hours left until the end of the campaign, are there any other ways to help?

First of all it is very important to donate now. The campaign is based on momentum and the more people join now - the greater the total circle of the campaign can grow.

On the campaign page there is another option to help by taking a personal recruitment goal for a place for one or more children. Anyone who undertakes such a goal can thus entitle their friends and family to take part and help the campaign dramatically.

Soon we will update about other ways in which you can help.

Join the "Esther's Children" project now