Since 1979 in Iran the darkness is absolute, the silence oppressive. After the revolt of the terrorist Islamic-Marxist terrorists of Khomeini, darkness falls, and after 18 protests for 43 years, the young generation are calling for the dawn, for democracy. As criminal mullahs came to power, all Iran faded into darkness, ruthlessness, corruption, grief and total destruction.
Historically, Iran has some horrible periods such as the Muslim conquest of Persia (Arab invasion of Iran) from 633 to 654 AD that led to the fall of the Sasanian Empire and the decrease of the Zoroastrian religion. For 200 years, Iran fell into a time of extreme hate, savagery, and massacring. Another horrendous period was the Mongol conquest of Persia between 1219 and 1256 that led to the termination of the Khawarazmian dynasty and the Abbasid Caliphate of Baghdad.
However, the criminal Shia mullahs came to power on 1979, with a horrible instrument - Islamic Terrorism.
Starting 521 years ago, the Shia mullahs were allies of Safavid’s barbarous Sultans (1501 to 1722) and Qajar corrupted kings (1789 to 1925) . Particularly, the decision of Safavid’s Kings to slaughter Iranians was never protested by the mullahs. The corruption of Qajar Kings was never objected to by the Shia or Sunni mullahs.
Since the modernization of Iran, the Shia mullahs in Iran are concentrated on one destructive propaganda objective, which is the guardianship of Islamic Jurist (Velayat-e-Faqih). The Muslim world knows that Khomeini was a liar, con man and a bloodthirsty mullah but amazingly most of the Muslim states who were against the late Shah of Iran,advocated for Khomeini to dethrone the king of the Pahlavi Dynasty.
Muammar Ghaddafi, Muslim, Saddam Hussein, Yasser Arafaat , Fidel Castro, and other international terrorists supported Khomeini in 1979 to form the 1st Islamic republic. The consequence of this assistance was facilitating an evil to unsettle the world and the founding of Islamic Radicalism.
On Tuesday, 3rd of January 2023, one of the internal news agencies (Borna News, related to the Raisi’s government) said “most likely, Ahmadreza Radan will be chosen as the new police chief in Iran."

The only concept and doctrine of Radan is following the Khomeinism playbook.
Presently, Radan is the head of the Center for strategic studies of the Iranian Law Enforcement Force. He started his career as a member of Basij and IRGC. Both had been designated as Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTO.) He was in Kurdistan, Sistan and Baluchistan as a police commander for a while.
Personally, he has a criminal mentality and a vicious background and history of felonies. He is related to the gang of Isfahan, which is an active gang in Islamic terrorism. Ideologically, he is the follower of Montazeri and Jannati, who were two radical pro-Khomeini mullahs with a terrorist circle. Based on this ferocious ideology, Radan has a special ability to mobilize the thugs to suppress the protesters.
Is it time to reopen the file on Radan who killed hundreds of students in July 1999? He was a deputy chief from 2008 to 2014, and played a key role in the crackdown on the 2009 protests. For instance, the Kahrizak detention center, or Iran’s Guantanamo, was under the supervision of Radan. He assassinated and brutalized the young people to defend the regime.
In 2011, Radan visited Syria to share his expertise in forcibly subduing protests during the Arab Spring. When Radan was a deputy Police Chief, in 2011, he gave an ultimatum to protesters to leave. On 2011 Europe announced that Radan was responsible for beatings, murder, and arbitrary arrest and detentions against protesters that were committed by the police forces. {see the official journal of the European Union} The EU sanctioned Radan unreservedly.
Radan has been designated by the US as a criminal who is “responsible for or complicit in , or responsible for ordering, controlling, or otherwise directing, the commission of serious human rights abuses against citizens of the Iran and their family members”. On June 2011, the report to the US Congress mentioned his name publicly.
This time, the brutal and savage mullah’s government is facing an internal crisis. For this reason, the only language that these so-called Holly Men know to communicate in is terrorism from Isfahan’s circle. Nowadays, the notorious mullahs are a main obstacle in the long road to democracy in Iran.
As it happens, the return of Radan paints a grim picture of life in Iran. since September 2022, the mullah’s regime has slaughtered more than 600 innocent protesters who were chanting for freedom and the ruin of theocracy.
Ali Khamenei is not satisfied with this massacre, and he redoubles his efforts for more persecution. But this is a long road to democracy and will go on until the regime change in Iran. It’s early days yet. With this decision, Khamenei made an exhibition of himself.
Historically, most of the terrorists of Isfahan’s circle were trained in Palestinian Arab terrorist camps. These days, most of this circle are working in Iran’s intelligence and military organizations. Under the aegis of Khamenei, some of these terrorists are playing the role of 'reformism' inside Iran.
The US sanctions Iran morality police for violence against protesters, but the notorious Law Enforcement Forces of Iran have an independent intelligence center from May 2022. A serial killer will now be in the driving seat and will use this agency to prosecute the opponents. This issue has had a high profile in recent months. Regime change in Iran is no picnic! But the Iranians will wreak a terrible vengeance on the mullahs.
These days, quixotically, MOIS and IRGC are pointing fingers at the US and Israel as those mainly responsible for the protests. The Iranian regime has reinvented the wheel with the same policy of intimidation, bullying and brutality and threatening. For the criminal mullahs, a warning bell sounds because of the deteriorating internal security situation in Iran and the immediate effects of the nationwide antiregime protests. it is also important that, they get out of there before the balloon goes up!
These days, the kangaroo Islamic court of mullahs are ruling to execute the young protesters amid a crack down on the anti-regime’s nationwide protests. including two young men hanged over killing a terrorist Basiji who was an oppressor. There is no difference between hardliners and 'moderates' (Islamic reformists) , both of them are the two sides of the same coin. The nature of this savage regime is execution and terrorism, which are parts of Khomeinist ideology.
Surely, the mullahs will execute more people in connection with protests that have been ongoing in the country for months. The regime’s lawlessness combined with Khomeinism should prompt an urgent rethink by the modern west and the USA. Regrettably, the modern world sends contradictory messages to the Iranian protesters. The protests against the mullah’s regime in Iran began after the September 16 death in custody of Mahsa Amini. Local protests speak out against the theocracy of the Islamic republic of Iran.
Now, Khamenei has chosen a notorious figure as police chief. This act means that the regime wants to start massacring, to attack the unarmed protesters in Iran. Will the world remain silent? Why do the regional powers in Middle East hesitate to lend the protesters a hand?
Erfan Fard is a counter-terrorism analyst and Middle East Studies researcher based in Washington, DC. He is in Middle Eastern regional security affairs with a particular focus on Iran, counter terrorism, IRGC, MOIS and ethnic conflicts in MENA. He graduated in International Security Studies (London M. University, UK), and in International Relations (CSU-LA). Erfan is fluent in Persian, Kurdish, Arabic and English. / Follow him from this twitter account @EQFARD / The newly published book of Erfan Fard is: “The gruesome mullah” , which has been published in the USA.