MigronFlash 90

The residents of the evacuated Binyamin region village of Migron sent a letter to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday, demanding he allows them to return to their village, which was evacuated nine years ago.

Among other things, the residents brought up Netanyahu's government's decision before the evacuation, according to which the government will work to renew the settlement of the village once the land is registered correctly. The letter comes amid progress in the registration of "upper Migron," from where the residents were evacuated, and is part of a movement by residents who wish to renew the community, which was uprooted by order of the Supreme Court.

Itai Hemo, a resident of the evacuated village and one of the leaders of the effort to resettle upper Migron, told Israel National News: "Since we were evicted nearly a decade ago, we haven't given up the dream and hope to renew the settlement of upper Migron. It is a top-tier national aspiration, and I'm sure the new government will know how to do everything needed to settle the place, just as a fully right-wing government should."

The full letter that Migron residents sent Prime Minister Netanyahu:

First of all, we wish to congratulate you on establishing the new government, and we wish you much success and many more years of public service, in health and happiness, for the sake of the nation of Israel, the Torah of Israel, and the land of Israel.

Migron was established in 1999 on the top of the Migron ride by government offices and settlement bodies. Although the state of Israel established the village and even though the land was purchased at full price, due to a petition by left-wing organizations, the Supreme Court ruled to destroy the village. In 2012 the village was destroyed, and its residents were evicted to a temporary trailer compound in Givat Hayekev, on the foot of the Migron ridge. The residents reside at the site to this day.

Government decision 4930 states: "In response to the Supreme Court... The state wishes to update the court that the purchase was proven... the state level will be willing to consider recognizing the plan positively."

Today, nearly a decade after the village's destruction and the eviction of its residents, the lands on top of the ridge were lawfully listed in the deed. We, the evacuees of Migron, ask you to instruct the relevant bodies to recognize what is needed to allow us to return and live in the original site of Migron, on the same land at the top of the ridge from which we were evacuated. There is no doubt that this is the right thing to do, and it will be the proper Zionist answer to those who are thinking of weakening us and hurting our hold on our land.