The American Jewish community is currently reeling under an increased onslaught of virulent anti-Semitism. Its virulence is perhaps unmatched by anything American Jewry has experienced since the days of the Great Depression. The speed of its developing ferocity, and its unexpectedness, have made the outbreak of this blitz of anti-Jewish hatred, something indeed unique in the American Jewish experience.
The US Jewish leadership's wailings and flailings, in ineffectual appeals to those socially, economically and politically influential, produce little change in what is now deemed legitimate expressions of free speech - read that, vitriol on the Jewish People as a whole. Apparently, in an abrupt change in longstanding policy, the mainstream media and its popular internet accessed component gave significant coverage to a few anti-Jewish celebrities. Invariably, due to the very nature of the socia media, this poisonous hatred found great expression there.
The negative economic aspect of this new promotion, i. e. the costs of being associated with antisemitism, have been figured in as acceptable and absorbable losses.
Then, a former President, of still formidable political power, entertained one of these vile anti-Semites and a second guest, a bona fide Nazi, at his private home. Confirming Jewish alarm, if not engendering palpable fear, is the former President's responding to the visitation of the Nazi, with the lame reply that this man was unknown to him. Indeed just a perfunctory research of this person's Nazi background reveals him saying, "All I want total is total Aryan victory and revenge against my enemies.", and "I am just like Hitler."!
Lastly, this same trio is cordially hosted on a widely viewed talk show. It is as if their invitation and appearance there, is to imperviously dismiss any and all Jewish protestat to the Trump meeting and the current wave of anti-Jewish hatred. This underscores he American Jewish impotency in doing anything of substance to stop the spiraling downgrading in status of the Jew in the public mind.
Can there be an effectual Jewish response? Yes, there is. Indeed there has been for some time, if only we ascertain it.
Rabbi Nachman guides us on how to deal with this metastasizing Jew hatred. Ominously, but at the same time optimistic, Rabbi Nachman enlightens us on the presence of the multiplicity of challenges facing the Jewish people, now in this era.
Rabbi Yisrael Ber Odesser, the recipient of Rabbi Nachman's mysterious note, is quoted saying, "This is an amazing thing. G-d saw what will be in the last generations….what lies, deceit. G-d saw and knew. Thus, He knew that in the final generations, the imperative of the existence of Rabbi Nachman in this world, his soul in this world. If not, G-f forbid there will be destruction, with no hope at all. Only Rabbi Nachman."
Rabbi Yisrael Ber Odesser warned of the dichotomous nature of anti Semitism in a non-publicized presentation. This occurred, about 30 years ago, at a small yeshiva located in a Jerusalem suburb. This is edifying in relation to the Trump meeting in particular and the apparent sudden change of American heart towards the Jews, in general, as described above.
There, at the back exit of the small Yeshiva, Rabbi Yisrael demonstrably blocked the exit, situating himself, there in his wheel chair. Rabbi Yisrael began shouting, to what must have been a minuscule audience, in the small beit hamidrash (study hall). He was reported to have said, "Roosevelt caused the Holocaust.", a number of times. Several of his disciples say he also shouted, "Roosevelt was worse than Hitler." On surface this seems quite strange. Antisemites often compare themselves to Hitler, not to a president that enjoyed overwhelming Jewish electoral support. However, Rabbi Yisrael's blockage of that exit conjures up memories of a very sad even,t an American Jewish attempt to stop the Holocaust in March of 1943.
At that time, a large number of Orthodox Rabbis, from throughout the United States, convened upon Washington D.C. They had expected to meet President Roosevelt at the White House and deliver their appeal to him, to do all within his power to stop the slaughter of their brethren in Europe. Instead they were utterly dismayed to learn that the President had avoided them by slipping out of a rear exit to the White House.
Disciples of Rabbi Yisrael ,later, where informed by Rabbi Yisrael himself, as to what he had intended to convey. Rabbi Yisrael said, that in contrast to Roosevelt, Hitler was beset by an insanity of hatred for the Jews. Roosevelt did not possess this same madness in relation to the Jews, his was a cold, weighted rational indifference, to destroying Jews. Thus, explained Rabbi Yisrael, the effects of Roosevelt's thinking and polity had a horrendous effect upon the Jews during the Holocaust. Some of his students have indicated that Rabbi Yisrael said that the railway lines to the infamous Auschwitz death camp could have easily been bombed, yet the "haters of Israel", in the American government at the time did nothing. Indeed, documents from Roosevelt's own Jewish Secretary of the Treasury, Henry Morgenthau Jr., with who, ostensibly he had a good relationship, significantly corroborate Rabbi Yisrael's words, as does much of the research on the United State's role in the Holocaust, as seen on the Israel National News web site.
Thus, as beneficiaries of Rabbi Yisrael's wisdom, as appearing in the anecdote, we can have a better understanding of what has suddenly happened, or is happening, to the Jews in the United States.
Apparently, those non Jewish media barons and non Jewish others, who control and manipulate public opinion, for reasons of fiduciary gain, made a cold calculated financial decision. Antisemitism, presently becoming so ubiquitous amongst the American public, has now become financially advantageous to market to its many potential media consumers. Those consumers will profitably reimburse the media and those other financial titans for that provision. The negative economic aspect of this new promotion, i. e. the costs of being associated with antisemitism, have been figured in as acceptable and absorbable losses.
Those anti-Semitic crazies, who continue to receive an unprecedented and continuous prominence for the last month or so, are not that dangerous, despicable as they are. Indeed they have always been around It is the much more sober and astute cadre whom have decided to spotlight - those, consumed by hatred, with their well thought out plots of powerful, sophisticated, and lucrative antisemitic dissemination. In addition, these same people who have always disliked the prominent Jewish presence in the media, have now deemed that now it is propitious to move against their imaginary Jewish protagonists. It is from these antisemites, of a very different ilk, that the real danger of antisemitism emanates.
Indeed, this type of capricious antisemite of expedience, might have been confused with a philo -Semite, just yesterday.
Apparently, in inviting antisemites to dine at his residence, former President Trump made a similar calculation. Not one of monetary, but of political expedience .All the great investment in a pro Jewish polity, during the Trump Administration has not produced the expected political dividend of Jewish political support. Indeed, in another case in point Rabbi Yisrael, who excoriated the Bush Administration, in office during the First Gulf War, for its covert antisemitism, in the most forceful terms, had a Secretary of State, who was quoted as saying "F. . . the Jews, they don't vote for us anyway."
Thus, very possibly, a "business meeting' was held with the intention of forming a political alliance between a crazed black antisemite and lunatic white supremist antisemite. The formation of such alliance would be the calculated hope of providing political support from an entire, united spectrum of pro-Trump American antisemites. If so, this can be seen as just as political calculation, deemed to be beneficial, at this present juncture, lacking any ideological madness of the type Rabbi Yisrael pointed out that existed with Hitler, may his name be blotted out.
A corollary to the story in which Rabbi Yisrael explains the dichotomous nature of antisemitism, is the story of how Rabbi Nachman once dealt with the maddened rabid type of antisemite. The story appears in book entitled, "Kochvey Or, chapter 1, section 26. In response to an action that Rabbi Nachman himself had advised his disciples to execute, a maddened horde of enraged local antisemites, armed with clubs and knives began to march in the direction of the Jews, seeking revenge for some imaginary slight. Upon hearing this, Rabbi Nachman advised his people to meet the rabble head on, similarly armed, with the knowledge that the scum, upon seeing the resolute Jews, would flee in fear. Indeed this is what occurred, in spite of which, according to the balance of power in the confrontation, there is no natural explanation.
Perhaps an understanding of Rabbi Nachman's wisdom in this incident, can be gained from the story of the confrontation between David and Goliath, which seems to be very similar. The sages, who commented on the biblical event, note that the young, not yet King, David, had expected a victorious outcome, much as did Rabbi Nachman. They explain that David, upon assessing the level of animalistic apostate madness to which Goliath had descended, understood that he would be successful in battling Goliath, just as was the case, where as a shepherd he was attacked, simultaneously, by lions and bears.
"I will smite you and cut your head off" he said to Goliath. "I will give the corpse of Philistine camps today to the bird of the sky and the animals of the land."The great commentator Rashi, writes that as David realized that Goliath, so crazed and so devoid of the human "image of G-d", beasts which normally refrain from human flesh would now be at ease to do so. In contrast, the confrontation between one having a divine countenance, such as David, and the bestial Goliath was no contest.
Rabbi Nachman said that the entire Redemption is contingent on recognizing the "Tzaddik" (the true righteous leader), and accepting his wisdom, obviously indicating that he is that leader and that those teachings continue to enlighten after his physical departure. "My fire will burn until the coming of the Mashiach, he wrote to Rabbi Yisrael about 100 years ago.
Our approach to antisemitism in the United states and other places, and the antisemitic in terror afflicting those in the State of Israel is amiss. Rabbi Nachman's approach to the problem is patently different, Acceptance of his wisdom in this matter, will bring a solution to this concern, as will it bring a about a speedy and glorious Final Redemption. May it be G-d's Will that this will be so.