Yair Lapid
Yair LapidOlivier Fitoussi/Flash90

Outgoing Prime Minister Yair Lapid on Thursday morning commended the security forces for their operation overnight in Jenin.

"The activity of the IDF and the security forces tonight in Jenin is a direct continuation of our uncompromising policy on the fight against terrorism," he said.

"The two senior terrorists who were thwarted – a field commander in Jenin and a member of the Islamic Jihad; and a senior member of the Al-Aqsa Brigades in Jenin – planned and carried out attacks on Israeli territory.

"Precisely in these stormy times, when irresponsible parties are trying to drag the IDF into an extreme debate and incite soldiers against their commanders, I want to express my appreciation to the security forces.

"This is the way to fight terrorism; this is the way to protect the citizens of Israel. Look after yourselves," Lapid concluded.