Bombing of Kyiv
Bombing of KyiviStock

A team of Ukrainian surgeons performed a heart operation on a child in near darkness in a Kyiv hospital after a Russian missile attack led to a power outage in the city on Wednesday.

“Heart surgery in Kyiv. A child is being operated on, and power goes off due to a Russian missile attack,” Illia Ponomarenko, an independent reporter from Kyiv, tweeted along with a video of the surgery.

“Surgeons carry on with their batteries and power generators,” Ponomarenko added.

The narrator shooting the video remarks in the clip, “That’s how we perform heart surgery today.” He explains that the surgery was a cardiopulmonary bypass to replace two heart valves, according to Newsweek.

The man adds, “Good job. Very humane people,” the narrator says, referring to Russia’s attack.

“Nobody knows what happened, but the operating room completely blacked out,” the man continues. He sarcastically adds that Russians can now “rejoice.”

“Today it’s a child on the operating table. And power was completely lost in the middle of the surgery. Good job. Very humane people,” he said.

Russian troops fired over 70 missiles at Kyiv and other targets in Ukraine on Wednesday. The barrage of rockets led to the country’s nuclear power plant being disconnected from the power grid for the first time in four decades.

According to reports, around half of the city was still suffering without power as of Friday.

(Israel National News' North American desk is keeping you updated until the start of Shabbat in New York. The time posted automatically on all Israel National News articles, however, is Israeli time.