The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) on Wednesday responded to two bombings which took place Wednesday morning at two separate bus stops during the morning rush hour.
The bombings left 19 injured, one of whom - 15-year-old Aryeh Schupak - died of his injuries. ZOA pointed out that several of the other victims were "critically" injured "and in danger of dying as well."
"The bombs were packed with nails to cause the most damage and detonated remotely when people were nearby," ZOA added.
ZOA National President Morton Klein stated, "There has been an average of seven Arab terrorist attacks against Jews in Israel daily for the last nine months, including today's terror bombings. The Zionist Organization of America demands that President Biden immediately halt the $700 million in aid to UNRWA who run schools and training camps where Hamas members teach Arab students to hate and violently attack Jews. ZOA deplores the fact that Biden reinstated this U.S. aid after President Trump wisely stopped these terror training funds."
"The ZOA also urges the Biden aministration to demand that the Palestinian Authority immediately end their policy of paying Arabs lifetime pensions to murder Jews and Americans," Klein continued. "Furthermore, Biden should demand the rescinding of the naming of schools, streets, sports teams, and children’s camps after Jew-killers."
"The U.S. must also abide by the Taylor Force Act, American law which prohibits U.S. funds from being used to pay Palestinian terrorists who kill Israelis and Americans," added ZOA Chairman of the Board David Schoen. "The Palestinian Authority, led by so-called moderate Mahmoud Abbas, pays bounties to these terrorists in a 'Pay to Slay' program that was run for years by Intisar Al-Wazir, the wife of archterrorist Abu Jihad. If the Biden administration keeps providing funding to the PA, terrorists and their families will be paid for life by U.S. taxpayers."