Colombian singer Maluma on Friday abandoned an interview with an Israeli reporter which took place in Qatar ahead of the World Cup.
Kan 11 News’ Chief International Correspondent Moav Vardi asked Maluma about other singers choosing not to perform at the World Cup due to Qatar’s questionable human rights record, and wondered whether Maluma himself cared about human rights violations in Qatar.
“Yes, but it’s something that I can’t resolve. I just came here to enjoy life, to enjoy soccer, the party of soccer. It’s not actually something that I have to be involved in,” replied the singer.
Vardi pressed Maluma on the issue, asking, “Can you understand people who are going to say that by the very presence of you here, you are whitewashing…”
“Do I have to answer that question?” Maluma fired back, at which point someone in the background could be heard telling the singer, “You don’t have to answer.”
Vardi pointed out that “people are going to ask”, at which point Maluma got up and walked away, while telling Vardi, “You’re rude!”
(Israel National News' North American desk is keeping you updated until the start of Shabbat in New York. The time posted automatically on all Israel National News articles, however, is Israeli time.)