Oshrit Sitbon, chairman of the Council of Women's Organizations, on Sunday night attended a demonstration held outside the court, protesting the light sentence handed to a Bedouin Arab who sexually assaulted a ten-year-old girl.
Last week, the Be'er Sheva District Court sentenced a Bedouin Arab to five years in prison for sexually assaulting a 10-year-old girl as she slept in her bed at home.
"The message being sent screams out to the heavens with the blatant absence of all female Knesset members who are once again turning a blind eye to women in distress," she said.
"I simply cannot comprehend how the hand of the female judge did not tremble as she signed on this ruling," she added. "This is not 'just' another shocking rape or serious sexual assault - it's nationalistically motivated terrorism in every respect."
In February, the girl's father described, "This is the horror of horrors, a nightmare. Two masked men of death did what they did to a ten-year-old girl lying in her Shabbat (Sabbath) dress in her bed, in the safest place in the world. And you understand that if I had fired my weapon, I would be the guilty party."
"He looked around, chose what he wanted to choose, and did what he wanted to do. It was all with complete awareness, as another person shined a flashlight for him on my little girl's face, and then one of the girls screamed and they escaped. When I came out I saw them, I pulled out my weapon, and they ran off."