Gush Etzion Regional Council Head Shlomo Ne'eman responded Tuesday morning to the removal of a rest area for IDF soldiers in the town of Nokdim.
The "pina chama," warm corner for IDF soldiers, was a caravan set up by local residents for the benefit of Israel's security forces.
"The real enemy in Judea and Samaria is the illegal building and massive takeover of lands by the Arabs in Area C," Ne'eman pointed out.
"It's a shame that the IDF and security forces are being prevented from waging a real battle against our true enemy. Instead, we woke up this morning to another unnecessary evacuation.
"The Gush Etzion Regional Council is working to establish another pina chama for our soldiers in an alternate location, so we can show our troops our appreciation and love, and say 'thank you' for their dedication."