New Jersey
New Jerseyistock

YOUR Upgraded NEW Mansion!! Approx 3000 sq feet!!

By purchasing a ticket you are a partner in building a Jewish future in Linden for generations to come.

Your home in Linden, NJ, for $500

Linden, NJ, is the buzzword amongst young families from Brooklyn and other areas who are moving out to enjoy the suburban nature and greener pastures that Linden has to offer. Its proximity to NYC and easy commute options make it an ideal choice for families who want to live in the outskirts of NYC.

The high demand for homes and development of community institutions and schools have turned the serene suburb into a hot market with prices on the rise and supply running low.

We offer you a unique opportunity to have a viable chance to be the proud and exclusive owner of a beautiful house in Linden, for only $500.

Get your tickets here

You can choose to move to Linden or keep it as a valuable real estate asset.

The house - at an approximated value of $500,000 – with all legal proceedings and paperwork, will be yours at no additional cost.

All the proceeds will go to strengthen the future of Linden and benefit the sprawling moisdos in Linden that are home to 400 students with 63 staff members and educators, a fleet of five buses, two spacious buildings, and a multi-million-dollar annual budget.

Get your tickets here

The moisdos have earned a reputation as top-of-the-line moisdos, which further attracts families who want to give their children the best chinuch. The moisdos are the heartbeat of this new blossoming neighborhood and guarantee its future as a center of Torah and chassidus.

By purchasing a ticket you are a partner in building a Jewish future in Linden for generations to come.