The Central Committee of the Jewish Home Party on Monday evening elected Yossi Brodny, Mayor of Givat Shmuel, to head the Jewish Home slate that will run for the 25th Knesset, alongside Hagit Moshe, who will continue to serve as party chairwoman and as Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem.

Moshe congratulated Brodny on his election and said, "From today we all have a home to return to, the Jewish Home of the National Religious Party is returning to the forefront and it there is not a candidate that is more worthy of leading it than Yossi Brodny, who will head our slate for the Knesset. Very soon we will put behind Yossi a slate of values, Zionism and Israel that will return the spirit of the historic NRP to the heart of the Israeli leadership."

"We will go out together, Yossi, to reconquer the hearts of the national religious public and instill the belief that the home must be maintained. It is time for everyone to return home to the Jewish Home," Moshe added.

Brodny has served as Mayor of Givat Shmuel for 14 consecutive years since 2008. Prior to that, he was the CEO of a construction company. Brodny is a lawyer with a master's degree. In between, Brodny continues to serve as an officer in the reserves.

In his post-election speech, he said, "I am excited to stand here tonight with you. I thank God for giving me the privilege of continuing to lead the legacy we grew up with, and thank you dear friends for trusting me to head the Jewish Home slate for elections to the 25th Knesset. I'm not standing here alone. Also standing with me here are our grandparents, the parents of all of us and also our children - the future generation of the national religious public - the future generation of the State of Israel."

Brodny noted that the Jewish Home Party has undergone upheavals in recent years, "In recent years we have disappeared from the political map. A vacuum has been created, and many among the national religious public feel they have no real representation in the Knesset. Today there is a large public looking for a home. A public that needs its representatives in the Knesset to really be there for it and reflect its values. A house that will give a real place for a variety of opinions. There is no room for extremism here. Our house unites within it a mosaic of colors that come together."

In conclusion, Brodny stressed, "The Jewish Home is the political home of the national religious sector, which unites religious, traditional and secular alike. I believe we are the connecting link between all and that only we can do so. That is why I boldly and humbly take on this difficult and important task with you. Today we return to the Jewish Home and the center of Israeli political influence."