A news item like this makes you wonder how many more are like that…like young NYU doctoral graduate Steven William Thrasher who, as reported widely, used his 15 minutes of fame as a convocation speaker to deliver a message of intolerance, rather than calls for fellowship, as is usual at such occasions.

Or is that so Yesterday?

Or – is this graduate only one among many…so many acrimony-induced robots being cloned out of our universities?

So young…so angry…so full of bitterness against the Jewish people…and now, with plans to serve as a teacher, sent out to the world with a diploma to duplicate himself.
In part, this is what he said to cheering fellow graduates: "I am so proud, so proud, of NYU's chapters of Students for Justice in Palestine and Jewish Voices for Peace, for supporting the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement against the apartheid state government in Israel."

So young…so angry…so full of bitterness against the Jewish people…and now, with plans to serve as a teacher, sent out to the world with a diploma to duplicate himself.

Ira Levin’s book, published 1976, comes to mind – “The Boys from Brazil.”

But first I need to ask; when does it begin, this biological coding of anti-Semitism? Does it begin in the home, kindergarten, elementary school, high school, or is it at college where the brainwashing gets down to business? All of the above, possibly, but it is on campus, quite surely, where Jihad-leading BDS brutes get to feast on a captive audience.

Imagine the typical Jewish kid who finally gets into NYU, or Columbia, or Harvard, name the entire college spectrum – and then this! Words like that from a classmate.

Read this about a particular Jewish student who said no thanks to NYU. She knew what to expect. Our loss. Think of the brain drain if Jewish students en masse stay away from our top schools in protest, or in fear of being harassed by fellow students, and even bullied by faculty and administrators.  

Will our campuses soon be safe for Arabs only?

From the Algemeiner, posted for 2017, we have a list of the 40 worst colleges for Jewish students. So NYU is not alone. In fact, NYU ranks 26th down the scale.

Small comfort to know that there’s worse…and to imagine that there are many more out there like that Thrasher fellow getting degrees in advanced Jew hatred.

Gregory Peck (of all people) played the part Josef Mengele in the movie version of Ira Levin’s prescient thriller “The Boys from Brazil.”

The multi-layered novel (and movie), for all its twists and turns, was mainly about biological engineering, and thus how to reproduce, duplicate, a generation of little Hitlers.  

That’s what I recall, but I don’t remember if or how the heroes caught up to the plan and stopped it from spreading.

This isn’t to say that Thrasher is anything like a Boy from Brazil – but Jewish students in the audience must have been alarmed and felt threatened at what they heard.

NYU president Andrew Hamilton called Thrasher’s speech “inappropriate” and “quite objectionable.” But many in the audience cheered Thrasher.

Writer Ira Levin was onto something, don’t you think?

New York-based bestselling American novelist Jack Engelhard writes regularly for Arutz Sheva.

He is the author of the international book-to-movie bestseller “Indecent Proposal.” His latest is the newsroom drama “News Anchor Sweetheart.”  His Inside Journalism thriller, “The Bathsheba Deadline,” is being prepared for the movies. Contemporaries have hailed him “The last Hemingway, a writer without peer, and the conscience of us all.” Website: www.jackengelhard.com