Nice try.

The UN Security Council tried to slip one past Nikki Haley. You’d think those bums would know her by now. 

Of course she nixed a resolution that was intended to overturn President Trump’s…and hence America’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. 

Then, of the 14 nations that voted in favor of the resolution, she said this – “What happened today at the Security Council is an insult. It won’t be forgotten.” 

She wasn’t smiling…and neither was she saying, but it’s been noted, that the United States can stop funding the UN. 

Trump can tell the rest of them to go fly a kite. We don’t give a damn.
Step two would get it out of New York and into Brussels, which serves as capital to the European Union.

From Brussels, by the way, EU commissar Dimitris Avramopolous, one of the men who thinks he runs the world not just Europe, complains that Europe is “too white.” Therefore more migrants are needed, millions of them both legal and illegal, in order to save the continent and create “a new norm.”

Good luck with that, Dimitris. 

Actually it’s the United States that runs the world…or enough of it that Trump can tell the rest of them to go fly a kite. We don’t give a damn.

In that spirit, Haley told the Security Council that the United States won’t be pushed around; nobody tells us what to do – where or when we can place our embassies.

Which will shortly be in Jerusalem…and also about Jerusalem, specifically the Western Wall, both Trump and Haley aver that it belongs to Israel. 

UN Resultion 2334 said otherwise, but that was under Obama, the anti-Semite who ran with that crowd. 

That wasn’t forgotten either – 2334. Nikki Haley let them know that it was such one-sided interference (always against Israel) that led to so much bloodshed.

Haley promised and threatened that the United States “won’t make that mistake again”…about abstaining in order to let that cursed resolution sail through. 

Those Happy Days…those Obama days…are over…and of course it’s got The New York Times in a snit. 

About Monday’s veto, you can read the editorial yourself, but why bother when I can give it to you in a snap, as follows –

Nothing belongs to the Israelis. Everything belongs to the Palestinian Arabs. Period. You expected something different from the American news media?

From Trump, through Haley at the UN, we find Israel and the United States in the same boat…two liberty-loving countries against the world…and it’s near Biblical.

Think of that chapter in the Book of Numbers. 

Pagan prophet Balaam declares: “It is a people that dwells in solitude; not to be reckoned among the nations.”

He was talking about Israel…and it’s generally been taken to mean that Israel is destined to be shunned.

Wrong interpretation, says Rashi. It means that when the nations are gathered for reckoning, judgment and punishment, Israel will be spared.

I say, by degrees, it’s already happening at the UN.

Seems to me that the United States shares that blessing in view of God’s hand at work through President Donald Trump and Ambassador Nikki Haley.

Can I get me an Amen?

New York-based bestselling American novelist Jack Engelhard writes regularly for Arutz Sheva. Engelhard wrote the international book-to-movie bestseller “Indecent Proposal” and the ground-breaking inside-journalism thriller “The Bathsheba Deadline.” His latest is Megyn Kelly unzipped in “News Anchor Sweetheart.” He is the recipient of the Ben Hecht Award for Literary Excellence. Website: