Some simple facts and intellectual honesty surrounding the hoopla about the four Jewish Rabbinical organizations deciding to boycott an annual conference call with President Trump. 

These organizations are left-wing organizations.

At the center of this controversy is Rabbi Jonah Pesner of the Reform Movement’s Religious Action Center who was quoted feeling “a lot of sadness” at boycotting the call, claiming a need to cancel the call due to Trump’s “his handling of the Charlottesville aftermath.”

Long before Charlottesville Rabbi Pesner boycotted Trump at AIPAC and wrote an 2016 op-ed where he condemned alleged Trump  “…hateful comments against women, Mexicans, people with disabilities, Muslims and others”, stating “such  divisive rhetoric has no place in a pluralistic democracy as vibrant as ours.”

The fact that he boycotted Trump well before Charlottesville is very relevant.
The fact that he boycotted Trump well before Charlottesville is very relevant.

The Rabbinical Assembly, another organization that joined the boycotting of the call issued a press release congratulating Obama on his election, yet none can be found congratulating Trump when he was elected from this supposed non-partisan organization. Their executive Vice President Rabbi Julie Schonfeld gave the benediction at the DNC Convention in 2016.

These are Democrat, liberal organizations who oppose Republican viewpoints.  The reality is that there is tremendous hypocrisy which surrounds criticism of President Trump. 

 As Jeff Jacoby, the op-ed editor of the Boston Globe, has written "liberalism has superseded Judaism as the religion of most American Jews."

As author Norman Podhoretz wrote in Why Are Jews Liberal?: “Where the Torah of contemporary liberalism conflicts with the Torah of Judaism, it is the Torah of liberalism that prevails and the Torah of Judaism that must give way.”

David Waga is a NYC based freelance writer.