Note: Except for the first two paragraphs, this is a satire.
Dear Citizens of France.
My heartfelt sympathies to you and the French people for the horrible and barbaric terrorist murder spree that left over a hundred of your compatriots dead and hundreds more wounded. .
That murderous terrorist rampage on Friday night is all too familiar to us. We have a deep understanding of how to deal with terrorism, and are more than ready to help you as we do all over the world when tragedies occur.
However, first we wish to share with you what we usually hear from the world in the aftermath of these “incidents” or "unrest" (I know you called it terrorism, but that is what the world calls it when it happens in Israel). Perhaps these pointers will help you cope and avoid future "incidents" - at least those who give us advice, including your heads of state, must think it will, or why would they give it?
As your government told us recently, the day following an “incident” in Israel, countries must “protect themselves from militants, but show restraint to not further fuel a highly sensitive situation in the region.”
With one's friends there is no need to make peace. Peace is made between enemies, never mind if they don't want it. There is no military solution to
End that cycle of violence. Show restraint.the problem of terrorism, and this is why you must seek a diplomatic solution.
You must understand the pain and needs of the angry Muslims shooting and setting off explosives, and not respond inappropriately so that there is no escalation of the cycle of violence.
You must negotiate even while under attack; conditioning negotiations on an end to violence is a no-win situation. It will simply extend the bloodshed.
The key is to build a New Europe, one that deals with reality on the ground.
To close your borders will only lead to further oppression and anger, so don't do that.
If you strike at the perpetrators of the attack and their supporters, you will simply extend and enlarge the cycle of violence, so don't do that.
Your bombs will no doubt injure some innocent children and civilians alongside any terrorist activists you strike, and that will simply make the victims seek revenge, so don't retaliate at all.
Begin by declaring a unilateral ceasefire! Give peace a chance! Do not allow yourself to be drawn into the abyss of violence. End that cycle of violence. Show restraint.
Best of all would be to divide France into two parts, and Paris into two cities for two peoples. No Frenchman dares go into a Muslim neighborhood in Paris and neither do the police anyway, so the city is already divided de facto. What's the difference if it is your ancestral homeland?
See how Daniel Pipes has shown you the way to achieve tranquillity (that is, until the Muslims decide they want both states):
With sympathy,
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu