I am writing to you as major supporters of the venerable Metropolitan Opera in New York. I would like to share with you the concerns of many people regarding their production of "The Death of Klinghoffer" this fall in New York City.
"The Death of Klinghoffer” condones this murder, and idealizes terrorism and violence against innocent victims. It portrays terrorists as victims, and victims as deserving of their fate. The libretto is replete with vile anti-Semitic wording. Here are a few examples:
"Wherever poor men are gathered, they can find Jews getting fat.
At one point, the terrorist leader says to Klinghoffer, "America is One Big Jew."
The Palestinians sing, “We are soldiers fighting a war. We are not criminals and we are not vandals but men of ideals.”
All attempts to convince Peter Gelb, general manager of the Met, to cancel this opera have fallen on deaf ears. As a result, major protests have been scheduled on opening night and every night of the performances. The dates and information about sponsors of the protests are posted on http://stopdeathofklinghoffer.com
AFSI, JCC Watch, and ZOA, along with a coalition of concerned citizens, has been a part of the battle against the production of this shameful "opera" (propaganda piece) all summer long. We are pleased that former Congressman Allen West has joined us in this fight to stop terrorism from being glorified in one of our most esteemed institutions, the Metropolitan Opera House.
Unfortunately, Peter Gelb and company must have assumed that pro-terrorism and anti-Semitism could be tolerated in NYC. because the live performances are still scheduled to proceed beginning this October.
We are inviting Congressman Allen West to join the demonstrations with a roster of VIP's at the rally on September 22 beginning at 5 pm, directly across from Lincoln Center.
We ask that the honorable members of the Board of the Annenberg Foundation review the information provided here and much more available in the media, and reconsider your support of an institution which produces this sort of hateful propaganda, which some people, especially survivors of the horrors of WWII, find to be reminiscent of the anti-Semitic propaganda literature of Joseph Goebbels in Nazi Germany.
Monday September 22nd at 5pm
Lincoln Center
10 Lincoln Center Plaza
New York, NY 10023
Monday, September 22, 5 - 7 p.m. Opening night of opera season. Major rally to protest Klinghoffer opera
Wednesday November 5 (Death of Klinghoffer performance protest)
Saturday night November 8 (Death of Klinghoffer performance protest)
Tuesday November 11 (Death of Klinghoffer performance protest)
Is one big Jew….
You are always complaining
Of your suffering
But wherever poor men
Are gathered they can
Find Jews getting fat.
You know how to cheat
The simple, exploit
The virgin, pollute
Where you have exploited
Defame those you cheated,
And break your own law
With idolatry.
Note: The above is a letter I emailed to the four members of the Board of Directors of the Annenberg Foundation. This foundation is one of the chief supporters of the Met Opera. They give the Met over a million dollars a year.
There are four board members
Email addresses:: (just paste into your To: box)
The three people who head the Met:
Other major Met. supporters:
210 W Rittenhouse Sq, Philadelphia, PA 29203
President and CEO