We at StoptheISM.com follow the communications of the International Solidarity Movement. During this entire Gaza war the ISM has been bragging that their “internationals” are serving as human shields for Hamas command and control leaders in Gaza.

This first was apparent at the WAFA hospital  where Hamas command and control leaders and weapons caches could be found being guarded by ISM human shields. The ISM sent out emails to its world members to contact the foreign ministries from the many EU countries from whence they came asking their pro-Hamas colleagues to write and call, urging them to demand the IDF not attack the hospital because to do so would violate “international law.”

Good sense prevailed though, and after the IDF gave warnings to allow the ISM-ers and their Hamas charges to flee and escape, the hospital was destroyed. Rumor had it that as they evacuated the hospital, local Arabs threw garbage and insults at the ISM and Hamas for bringing a bombing down on their neighborhood.

The ISM and their Hamas charges then went by ambulances to the Beit Hannoun hospital. They started the same scenario, writing ISM supporters worldwide that they needed to write foreign ministers and demand Israel be criticized for bombing hospitals. This time the issue was protecting “medical personnel” at Beit Hannoun hospital. According to the ISM itself, there was only one patient there attended by 60 “doctors” and the rest were ISM activists from all over Europe, and one in particular, Joe Catron from the USA.

The fact that not one ISM human shield has been killed in this war means that the Hamas leaders they are shielding are getting away.
Since the absurdity of 60 “doctors” with no patients sitting in Beit Hannoun hospital  was clear, the IDF bombarded the building after providing  a knock on the roof and the building was once again cleared by ISM human shields fleeing in ambulances with Hamas command and control. Secondary explosions revealed this hospital too was holding weapons caches and being used by Hamas.

Now the ISM is sending emails telling its worldwide members to once again write the foreign ministers of their countries. The story is that now the ISM human shields are in Rafah protecting 70 “children.” They move around in ambulances. They are not protecting children or doctors, but Hamas' command and control.

The fact the ISM numbers and figure at Beit Hannoun of 60 “doctors” are nearly identical tells us that there are 70 Hamas command and control members with their ISM human shields in Rafah. Their hope is that by creating another phony “humanitarian” scare they can escape the IDF.

The fact that not one ISM human shield has been killed in this war means that the Hamas terrorist leaders they are shielding are getting away. ISM and Hamas use ambulances to move these people around.

When the Israeli government and foreign ministry stop giving the ISM a pass, only then will they begin to eliminate the Hamas command and  control from the top down.

When we read and hear about ISM human shields being killed in Gaza, then we will know for certain we have reached the Hamas leaders with them as well. It’s time the IDF and government take out ISM human shields in Gaza and stop giving them a pass. If they are in an ambulance or a “hospital” rest assured they are part of the Hamas war effort.

Israel needs to stop playing the fool and target these ISM “activists”. To do so will save the lives or our soldiers and help to end Hamas command and control once and for all in Gaza. Right now, the fact ISM internationals are still running around unscathed means we are not getting at the leadership.

If the ISM wish to be human shields, then let them bear the results of being human shields. Respect for our soldiers demands this.