Hodaya Me'oded, nee Rauchberger, who was seriously injured in a deadly collision four months ago, died on Thursday after a prolonged battle for her life.
Announcing her death, the family said, "With enormous sorrow and great pain we announce the passing of Hodaya Ayelet Hashachar, the daughter of Esther, who fought for her life and was purified through suffering. She inspired all of us to do good in the world, and a long path of good deeds will accompany her on her last journey."
Yaniv Me'oded, Hodaya's husband, had previously requested that the public pray for her recovery. Thanking the public for their prayers for his own recovery, he said, "Thank you so much, everyone, for praying. Please pray for my wife, Hodaya Ayelet Hashachar, the daughter of Esther, who needs a miracle."
"G-d knows how to make miracles, so I am asking everyone - again, thank you for your prayers, I am sure it helped, as you see - but another thing, increase prayers...for my wife's recovery. Hodaya Ayelet Hashachar, the daughter of Esther...who is not waking up. Thank you everyone."
Hodaya will be buried at 3:00p.m. on Thursday, at the Rehovot cemetery.
On Friday, December 4, 2021, the Me'oded family was traveling on Route 465 when a Palestinian Authority Arab made an illegal U-turn and collided with their car, which was driving in the opposite direction.
The collision killed the Arab driver, as well as the two Me'oded children, Tov Re'i and Halleli. Hodaya was pregnant at the time of the collision. She suffered serious injuries, and her fetus was killed. All three children were laid to rest together, and the fetus was given the name Malachi.
Initial investigations show that the Arab vehicle had come from the direction of the village of Shuqba, and made an illegal u-turn on the road's median, where passing is illegal. As a result, the Israeli family driving in the opposite direction, towards Modi'in Illit, crashed into the side of the Arab vehicle as it made its illegal u-turn. An examination showed that the Arab vehicle was considered to be dangerous, was not allowed to be driven, and had been taken off the roads and slated for destruction.