MK Benny Begin (New Hope) responded on Wednesday to the opposition's claims against the Electricity Law, and said their arguments are an "artificial hysteria," as he puts it.
In an interview with Radio 103FM, Begin also commented on the stormy session in the Knesset during which Prime Minister Naftali Bennett rose from his seat, approached the opposition benches and directly confronted its members.
"This morning in the plenum, what I heard or what I was able to hear, was a mixture of shouting, screaming and yelling and I could not distinguish between them. When 50 people, maybe more, shout all at once, I came to the conclusion that this group has already managed to achieve herd immunity," said Begin.
The interview, Ben Caspit, told Begin, "The opposition claims that the Prime Minister lost control, he stormed the opposition benches."
Begin replied, "He did not storm anything. He went to the benches and responded to the incessant shouts that have been going on for several months and which I think embarrass the Knesset."