UN hits new anti-Israel low
New UN 'Commission of Inquiry' is 'the most hostile and dangerous anti-Israel body the UN has ever created,' and must be discredited.

Anne also serves on the board of the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA), a think tank that focuses on Israel's security in its relationship with the United States.
Below is the bulk of her alarming email:
"Two and a half hours ago the UN General Assembly's budget committee (a committee of the whole, i.e. composed of all 193 member states) decided to fund a new 'Commission of Inquiry' established by the UN Human Rights Council that is intended to emasculate the state of Israel.
"Without exaggeration, it is the most hostile and dangerous anti-Israel body the UN has ever created.
"It will decide Israel is guilty of apartheid, validate and unleash criminal prosecutions of Israelis, significantly magnify pressure on 'third states"' and 'business enterprises' to engage in BDS, and insist on an arms embargo against Israel.
"It is permanent in duration. It will have 18 permanent UN staff funded by the regular budget - which means 22% of it will come from American taxpayers, creating an in-house legal bureau to seek criminal charges against members of the IDF and the highest echelons of the Israeli government ('command responsibility').
"The three members of the 'Inquiry' have been appointed - and all have public records of extreme anti-Israel hostility.
"Navi Pillay a notorious supporter of the Durban conference (which labeled Israel a racist state) and the Goldstone report, and the former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights is the chairman.
"We can, and we must discredit this Inquiry. That's why I'm writing.
"Here's how:
"The Inquiry - which ought to become known as Pillay's Pogrom - has issued a 'Call for Submissions.'
"It sets out five vast topics for submissions - in effect, going back to the justifications of a Jewish state period. It is particularly interested in identifying the propagators of racial and religious ‘discrimination’ and ‘repression’.
"Making a submission is an opportunity to recount history, abuses, facts, law - the truth that the Inquiry doesn't want to hear.
"Large numbers of submissions that are ignored or vilified by the Inquiry will erode credibility.
"Massive numbers of submissions on Israel's side, standing against modern anti-Semitism, will push back against the UN's unprecedented global attack on Israel and the Jewish people,” Bayefski wrote.
The first report of the Commission of Inquiry is expected in June 2022.
A shocking 125 countries supported the creation of the new UN 'human rights commission' while Hungary was the only European country to vote against the UN commission's budgeting. The rest of the European countries, as well as Canada and Australia, abstained.
The United States, however, voted against the anti-Israel resolution and President Joe Biden's administration envoy to the UN made it clear that it was "unfair" to single Israel out for permanent human rights investigations that span the entire country.
The US, which under President Joe Biden renewed its membership in the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC), also pledged to reconsider the commission's mandate in Geneva where the UNHRC began its establishment. That was after the war between Israel and the Palestinian terrorist movements in May 2021.
The UNHRC then passed a motion in an emergency session that decided to investigate only Israel's part in that war and not the terror of Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ).
Israel's ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan, said after the vote that the UN had just approved a budget for a "despicable and biased commission that has no right to exist".
He also accused the UN of ignoring the war crimes committed by Hamas and PIJ from 2014 when Israel was also embroiled in a war with terror organizations in Gaza.
The new UNHRC commission will be solely concerned with investigating any Israeli crimes against humanity and not those committed by the Palestinian Arabs.
The other two members of the Permanent Commission of Inquiry are Millon Kothari and Chris Sidoti.
Both have a long record of activism against Israel and actions in favor of the Palestinian Arabs.
This was the fourth time this month that the UN took an anti-Israel decision.
-At the beginning of December, the General Assembly of the United Nations (UNGA) adopted a resolution denying any Jewish connection to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
In the resolution approved by a 129 to 11 majority, the UNGA used only the Muslim name of al-Haram al-Sharif for the Temple Mount and made it clear that the site is a Muslim holy place exclusively.
Almost all Western countries abstained from voting while the United States voted against the shocking resolution.
The Palestinian Authority was behind the latest anti-Israel resolution that could count on the support of the Muslim bloc in the UNGA.
-On December 14, the UNGA adopted by a large majority a resolution named “Oil slick on Lebanese shores”. It singled out Israel as the only country to be censured under the “Sustainable Development” agenda item, and refers to an alleged incident from the 2006 war between Hezbollah and Israel, UN Watch reported.
-The same day the UNGA voted in favor of a resolution condemning Israel for allegedly exploiting the natural resources of the Palestinian Arabs, and on the Golan Heights.
So far the UNGA adopted 14 anti-Israel resolutions this year as opposed to only 4 resolutions against North Korea, Myanmar, Iran, and Crimea together. A resolution criticizing Syria was deferred.
Hillel Neuer, the director of UN Watch, commented on this one-sided and prejudiced UN approach to Israel by delivering the following statement:
“The UN’s disproportionate assault against the Jewish state undermines the credibility of what is supposed to be an impartial international body. When the General Assembly gives in to politicization and selectivity by discriminating against Israel, it violates the UN Charter’s guarantee of equal treatment to all nations, large and small.”
Neuer continued by exposing European hypocrisy when it comes to the UN treatment of Israel.
“We note that while France, Germany, Sweden, and other EU states have supported nearly all of the 14 resolutions adopted against Israel during this General Assembly session, the same European nations have failed to introduce a single UNGA resolution on the human rights situation in China, Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, Cuba, Turkey, Pakistan, Vietnam, Algeria, or on 170 other countries,” the UN Watch director fumed.
“Where’s the supposed EU concern for international law and human rights?” Neuer asked, adding that these ‘rituals’ have only one goal: “to scapegoat Israel.“
“The General Assembly underscores a simple fact: the UN’s automatic majority has no interest in truly helping the Palestinians, nor in protecting anyone’s human rights; the goal of these ritual one-sided condemnations is to scapegoat Israel,” he accused.