Torah Mitzion Shabbaton
Torah Mitzion ShabbatonTorah Mitzion

Dedicated in memory of Yaakov Aharonov z"l

"But the more they were oppressed , the more they increased and spread out"

Reading this famous passuk from the Parasha we discover a pattern. It's a sad fact. The more the Jews suffer the more they will multiply. And if A=B that means that if there's not A there's no B. If Jews are safe and happy they won't be numerous.

Throughout our history this simple fact can clearly be seen. It is when the Jews are in a difficult econonical and/or social situation that they grow.

As an amazing example we can look at the past few generations.

In the last 150 years before the Shoah the number of Jews soared. There was an astonishing demographic boost. But when we look closer we see the pattern clearly.

Jewish people could be divided into 3 main demographic groups - the Sefaridic Jews in the Arab/Muslim countries, the West-European and the East-European Jews.

While the former two enjoyed relative safety and prosperity (knowing today that it would not last) the Eastern-European Jews suffered terribly. Not only from the infamous pogroms, but their economic situation was dire.

But when we look at the numbers it is illuminating to see that while the Sefaridic and West-European Jews numbers stagnated, the East-European Jews, the famous Ostjuden, literally exploded demographically. Still today historians struggle to explain these astonishing numbers.

In 150 years the number of Jews rose from roughly 3-4 million to 18 million Jews just prior the Shoah. As ar as we know, that is the highest number of Jews ever (sadly we never got close to that number since).
This rise happened in Poland, Russian, Ukraine, Lithuania, etc

On the other hand, since the War most Jews in the world live in relative safety and in remarkable prosperity. Although antisemitism is still alive and kicking, it can absolutely not be compared to previous generations.

That's all good.

But what about the growth? The number of Jews since the War has hardly risen. Not more than 10-15%. The world population since then has grown by 300%!

Low birthrates and intermarriage are shrinking our nation almost everywhere in the world.

This concept didn't start in Egypt. מעשה אבות סימן לבנים - what happened to our Forfathers and mothers is an example of was will happen with the nation.

The original "Israel", none other than Yaakov Avinu, had two phases when he lived with Lavan. For 14 years he worked tirelessly just "to pay out his debt". Basically not making a dime for himself, he worked very hard but didn't accumilate and independent wealth. But in no more than 7 years since he first got married, he had no less than 12 children.

After those 7 years, Lavan asks him to stay - but now he will make his own fortune. And as we can read, indeed he made a lot of money, so much so that Lavan, and especially his sons, could not bear to see Yaakov's success. But during all those years not a single child is born. Only after he comes back to Israel will Benjamin be born.

"But the more they were oppressed, the more they increased and spread out"

It is sad.

But maybe you've noticed what I left out.

All my examples, from Lavan's house and Egypt to Europe, Sefaridic communities, modern-day communities - are all outside of Israel.

In Israel it is the opposite.

Like we see in the Tanach. In times of prosperity the nation grew tremendously. And when Hashem decided to punish his nation, famine war and exiles brought to a diminishment of the number of Jews.
Today Israel is the Western country with the highest birthrate worldwide.

And no, it is not only because of the Hareidi and Arab population. The average "secular" family has 2-3 children. This is nowhere to be seen in the developed world. The average birthrate in the OECD countries in 1.7. In Israel it is 3!

I believe many of those reading these lines were alive in the 60's, when Israel's population included about 2 million citizens. Today it is getting close to 10 million.

So if throughout history A=B, in Israel it's exactly the opposite A≠B.

Why? My belief is that in Israel, and only in Israel, are we truly at home. At home things are 'normal'. If you flourish in one area you'll flourish in all areas

Anytime we're outside of our home we live in an unnatural environment - we cannot really flourish. Hashem won't let us forget that.

Let's all pray for all healthy, strong, safe and plentiful Am Israel.

,Dvar Torah by Arik Speaker, head of the International Mechina, World Bnei Akivacomments: [email protected]

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