The Me'oded family
The Me'oded familyCourtesy of the family

The funeral of Halleli and Tov Re'i Me'oded, who were killed Friday in a collision in Samaria, is taking place Saturday night at the cemetery in Rehovot.

Halleli, 6, and Tov Re'i, 3, were killed when a Palestinian Authority Arab driver, who was on the road despite not having a driver's license, made an illegal u-turn and collided with the Me'oded family vehicle.

The fetus their mother was carrying at the time of the crash did not survive, and was buried together with its older siblings.

The children's grandfather, Shiki, mourned his grandchildren saying, "Today, for the first time, it was difficult for me to pray the morning prayer. How can I say things when my two pure, innocent grandchildren are lying here before us? My heart is torn and bleeding from thinking about such a tragedy. Evil triumphed on Shabbat (Sabbath), ending their lives and hurting Yaniv and Hodaya in such a harsh way. We pray for their recovery. These children had such curiosity. Halleli had such a mischievous smile, and Tov had such a laugh. G-d gave, and G-d took."

Yaniv and Hodaya, the children's parents, are still hospitalized in serious condition, in the Sheba and Tel Hashomer hospitals. Yaniv's condition stabilized somewhat over the weekend, but he is still unconscious and on a respirator. Hodaya had been pregnant at the time of the crash, and the medical staff were forced to declare the death of her fetus.

Rabbi Gideon Binyamin, who serves as the rabbi of Nof Ayalon, said, "There are no words. There's nothing to say... This is something that has no explanation. There is no understanding and it is beyond logic - these are hidden things which only G-d understands. These children are now going up to Heaven, they will be under the Throne of Glory, they will learn, and they will give a lot of strength to their parents, who with G-d's help will heal."

Yaniv studied in the Elon Moreh yeshiva, and lived in the town with Hodaya for a short time after their marriage. Afterwards, the couple moved to Rehovot, and a few days ago they left Rehovot and moved to Brukhin in Samaria.

"It's not easy," Yishai Rauchberger, the children's uncle, told Kan Reshet Bet. "We are drawing strength from the friends and family who are supporting and embracing us."

He added that the family is trying to look ahead to see how they can support those who survived.

"We have a large family on both sides, who are supporting [us]. We are focusing on ourselves, to strengthen ourselves and the injured and to hope for the best and pray. I believe that with time, we will look ahead and see what else we are able to do."

Samaria Regional Council Head Yossi Dagan expressed shock and sadness at the tragedy, saying, "In the middle of the Festival of Lights, such a great light was extinguished. The entire family of Samaria, and the entire People of Israel, are all mourning and hurting together with the families. Our hearts break for the two young children, and the entire nation of Israel is praying for the recovery of the parents, who are hospitalized in serious condition."

Initial investigations show that the Arab vehicle had come from the direction of the village of Shuqba, and made an illegal u-turn on the road's median, where passing is illegal. As a result, the Israeli family driving in the opposite direction, towards Modi'in Illit, crashed into the side of the Arab vehicle as it made its illegal u-turn. An examination showed that the Arab vehicle was considered to be dangerous, was not allowed to be driven, and had been taken off the roads and slated for destruction.