In a visit this week to the campus of Ohr Torah Stone’s Midreshet Lindenbaum in Karmiel, Amir Eshel, Director General of Israel’s Ministry of Defense commended the continued growth in IDF service of women from Israel’s religious communities. The school, along with other programs in the Ohr Torah Stone network, provides a variety of services to assist young women in preparing spiritually for their military service and ensuring their service is meaningful from both the operational and religious perspectives.
The visit, which was hosted by Rabbi Ohad Teharlev, Rosh Midrasha of Midreshet Lindenbaum's Israeli programs, and Neta Lederberg, Rosh Midrasha of the Karmiel branch, gave Eshel the chance to meet with students and better understand their long-term army and career goals. Many students in the Midreshet Lindenbaum's three campuses in Jerusalem, Karmiel and Lod perform successful military service, including a large percentage who reach high levels as officers.
“Our mutual goal each and every day is to serve the People and Land of Israel,” Eshel said while addressing the students. “I so admire your decision to enlist in the IDF and commit yourselves to that goal in such a dedicated manner.”
Rabbi Teharlev thanked the Director General for his visit and explained the uniqueness of the Midreshet Lindenbaum programs. “We operate on two fronts, with one being the study hall and our Jewish texts, and the other front being our dedicatation to the defense of the State of Israel through our military. Israel is unique in that our military is such an ingrained part of our society and culture and military service is not just about planes and weaponry but equally about promoting the ideals of Jewish peoplehood and identity. We are deeply grateful to be able to educate and train the next generation of young women who will serve in the IDF and further promote those values. We thank the Defense Ministry for serving as our partners in working towards that goal.”