Rashbi's gravesite in Meron
Rashbi's gravesite in MeronFlash 90

One-and-a-half weeks ago, the insurance for the gravesite of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai in Meron expired - and since then, none of the insurance companies have been willing to insure it, Yediot Aharonot reported.

As a consequence of this, thousands of visitors streaming to the site every day are left uninsured, and if they are injured in any way, they will not receive financial compensation.

The site's previous insurance policy expired at the end of October, and since then no insurance company has been willing to acquiesce to the site's managers and provide insurance against damages which may occur there.

The thousands of visitors who continue streaming to the gravesite each day are unaware of the problem, the report said.

Since the Meron disaster earlier this year, insurance companies have begun to refuse to cover other holy sites for the days on which major events, attended by tens of thousands, are held.