Yair Lapid
Yair LapidElad Malka

Meretz and Yesh Atid have finalized a coalition agreement between the two parties, a joint statement read.

As part of the coalition negotiations the two parties have reached an agreement on the framework for the government as well as a series of socioeconomic solutions.

The agreement includes a dramatic increase in the healthcare budget, including expanding the medical services basket and adding new positions to the healthcare and mental health systems in Israel.

It also includes a Climate Change Law, which will include ambitious targets to reduce carbon emissions, shift to renewable energy, clear the polluting industries from the Haifa Port, and improve both public and shared transport in Israel.

Meretz will be given responsibility for the Ministry for Regional Cooperation, the statement added.

The parties' negotiating teams also came to agreements on issues of religion and state.

On Tuesday, Yesh Atid finalized its agreement with the Yisrael Beytenu party. A report from Channel 13 claimed that the "government of change" is ready and waiting for Yamina to join them.