Israel and the city of Acre in particular are going through difficult times. The riots culminated on Wednesday with the very serious injury of Rabbi Elad Barzilai who was lynched by Arab rioters. Barzilai, a teacher at the Amit Kennedy School in Acre, was fatally wounded after being lynched on the outskirts of the Wolfson neighborhood in Acre. Another two Jews from the city were injured severely - Mor Ganashvili and Mordechai Katz.
Take part in emergency fundraising to strengthen the Gar'in, for the sake of Jewish activity in Acre.
Raise the flag for Ometz because only together will we prevail>>>
Since last week, the city of Acre has been facing a state of emergency. Hundreds of rioters, the vast majority of them young, rioted downtown and police were unable to contain them. Jewish businesses that had been operating for decades were set on fire - hotels, restaurants, Jewish-owned shops, vehicles were set on fire, and many Jewish families in the center of the city went on a day-to-day siege day and night. A feeling of insecurity and deep hurt prevails among the Jews of Acre who were present to discover for several days that the security forces simply could not provide an answer.
Gar'in Ometz Acre entered its 25th year this year, with a huge revolution that has taken place in the city in recent years, with many projects that it has established and promoted for the city and its residents in cooperation with the local authority and community. Along the way the guiding principle of the Gar'in is - always add good, add light. Even in difficult times, and there have been such over the years, Gar'in activists have never given way to evil and darkness.
"In the last week we have been dealing with a situation we never dreamed we would reach. Since Tuesday we set off - the community emergency team of Gar'in Ometz together with members of the community around the clock to help as much as we can to those who need our support during these difficult days. To strengthen the Jewish presence and protect Acre from the loss of Jewish identity. "
Reut Getz, director of the Gar'in Ometz," We will do everything to continue promoting good, to continue to add good, light and kindness to our dear Acre. Together we will prevail: The Jews of the city of Acre. "