Wake-up call to Europe
Wake-up call to EuropeiStock
Three thousand people shouted "Allahu Akbar" and burned Israeli flags in the Piazza Duomo in Milan.

"Many Muslim immigrants and a left-wing milieu share the belief that Israelis somehow deserve rocket attacks," writes in Die Welt Jacques Schuster, editor-in-chief of the major German newspaper. It speaks of Germany, but it could be transferred to Italy. "A screaming crowd is allowed to climb the barricades in front of the synagogues, explode with hatred of Jews, burn the stars of David and all this without consequences".

-Algerian, Palestinian and Turkish flags and two hundred demonstrators in front of the synagogue in Gelsenkirchen shout "s*** Jews".

-An Israeli flag is hoisted on the town hall of the city of Solingen and set on fire, reports Bild, with Tim Kurzbach, social democrat and mayor of Solingen, speaking of a "shameful act".

-The city of Hagen removes the Israeli flag so as not to offend Muslims.

-In Berlin, an Israeli flag is stolen from Chancellor Angela Merkel's CDU office.

-The memorial of the Great Synagogue of Düsseldorf, destroyed by the Nazis in 1938 during the Crystal Night, is set on fire.

-Another Israeli flag is burned in Münster outside a synagogue.

Same screams, same matrix, same silence… As in France, in Barbés.

Where is the revolt of the bienpensants, Schuster asks? “Do they only light up when right-wing extremists march in front of Jewish places of worship? Raised on canned food of hatred of Jews, most Middle Eastern immigrants to this country believe they can transfer their miserable image of society to Germany. Fleeing here to work and be free, they use this freedom to revolt against the open society."

"Furthermore, there is a leftist environment that looks at Muslim and immigrant Arabs with postcolonial caution and forgives many things that the Germans would never let pass. Hamas terrorists are suddenly 'activists'; the methods of their struggle may not be beautiful, but are understandable ”.

Former French Prime Minister Manuel Valls said that there is a part of the left that is pro-Hamas. In Belgium, meanwhile, people were shouting "death to the Jews" in the square. Demonstrations where not only Muslims are present, but also parts of the militant left. "This encounter between radical Islamism and the extreme left is potentially explosive," Bernard-Henri Lévy said.

The Syrian writer who has fled to France, Omar Youssef Souleimane, published an extraordinary accusation against this alliance in L’Express. “In the 1970s Khomeini, the father of the Islamic 'revolution' in Iran, welcomed his friends from the French left into his home in the Paris region. They supported it in the media, presented it as resistance to the Shah and the American imperialist order."

"Michel Foucault is a good example of this blindness. Once Khomeini's plan was carried out, on his return to his country, the first victims of his totalitarian system were the Iranian Communists. They all ended up in prison, murdered or exiled. But in France a part of the left continued to support him in the name of fighting the United States or the capitalists. This is not the only example of the left's 'love' for Islamists."

During the Parisian protests in 2014 we heard the calls of the Indigenous Party of the Republic (PIR) and many NGOs to help Hamas, “founded by the Muslim Brotherhood and responsible for hundreds of attacks on Israeli civilians. Today a certain left gleefully accuses those who do not like to be far right or racist. This frequent accusation is the consequence of the complicity between the left and the Islamists who have managed to erect a taboo, 'Islamophobia', invoked endlessly against any criticism of Islam."

"These people replaced Che Guevara's famous cap with Khomeini's turban and Marx's beard with Bin Laden's. This rapprochement has produced a new ideological sect that is doing everything in its power to protect the principles of Islam, even to the detriment of the Republic ”.

Souleimane,whose work The Last Syrian for E / O will be published in Italy in September, calls it the "halal left". "Today, in France, progressives, in the name of the left, are spreading medieval ideas," concludes the writer. "But we heard not a word from these circles after the assassination of Pakistani student Mashal Khan in 2017 by Islamists at his university because of his aversion to Islam!".

Giulio Meotti is, an Italian journalist with Il Foglio, writes a twice-weekly column for Arutz Sheva. He is the author, in English, of the book "A New Shoah", that researched the personal stories of Israel's terror victims, published by Encounter and of "J'Accuse: the Vatican Against Israel" published by Mantua Books, in addition to books in Italian. His writing has appeared in publications, such as the Wall Street Journal, Gatestone, Frontpage and Commentary