Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit refers to the International Court of Justice in the Hague's decision and says it was disappointing and unnecessary.
"One should regret this decision, a disappointing decision of the majority opinion, not a profound decision of the majority opinion, and I read it carefully. I suggest reading the minority opinion which is the head of the tribunal; he describes and interprets things exactly as we described them - there is no such thing as 'Palestine' according to international law. Eight significant states have joined our position and international scholars under the Oslo Accords say there is no such thing as a state of Palestine, it has no borders under the Oslo Accords, and has no authority to judge Israelis. This is an unfortunate and wrong decision by the majority," he said. Mandelblit in an interview with the chairman of the Basheva group, Dudu Saada, at the annual 'Israel 2030' conference of Basheva and Arutz Sheva at the 'Design City' complex in Mishor Adumim.
Mandelblit does not fear at this stage an immediate risk to Israelis following the decision. "It is important to say that no investigation has been opened yet. I do not see an immediate risk to any Israeli. We are making preparations in case an investigation opens."
In his opinion, "This tribunal was set up to fight atrocities. There are atrocities in the world. The State of Israel does not commit atrocities. We have laws of war. We have a glorious court that is world famous regarding the rule of law. It's a puzzling thing for such a country to get handed such a decision, I hope it will not be reflected in the investigation."
The full interview with Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit will be broadcast tomorrow as part of a Basheva conference the Arutz Sheva website.