Protest tent for Ahuvya Sandak
Protest tent for Ahuvya SandakNo credit

Three weeks after the death of Ahuvya Sandak during a police chase in the Binyamin region, the demonstrations in protest of his death continued on Monday evening.

One protest took place outside the national headquarters in Jerusalem. Two protesters were arrested during clashes with police.

At the same time, it was decided to hold a protest shift every evening outside the Ministry of Internal Security in Jerusalem between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m.

A protest tent has been set up at the scene, and public figures and rabbis are expected to arrive in the coming days to give lessons in memory of Ahuvya.

Additional demonstrations took place in Ariel, Komemiyut, Gush Etzion, Beit Shemesh and at intersections throughout Judea and Samaria.