Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit responded to Minister Amir Ohana's letter about the threats against Prime Minister Netanyahu and his family.
"I received your letter which was circulated to the media last Friday afternoon, while we are all tirelessly dealing with the burning legal issues related to the state's handling of the coronavirus plague and its social, health and economic consequences," Mandelblit wrote.
"Unfortunately, the letter is riddled with false accusations that lack any basis against the law enforcement system," the attorney general said.
"Even in the face of slander and the proliferation of conspiracy theories that are out of touch with reality, I will not shy away from carrying out our job," the Mandelblit's concluded.
On Friday, Minister Ohana published a letter in which he accused Attorney General Mandelblit of failing to take threats against the prime minister with the appropriate seriousness they deserved.
“You’re not giving serious attention to my appeal over the growing threats to the lives of the prime minister and his family,” Ohana wrote.
Ohana claimed that “the incitement that preceded Rabin’s assassination pales in comparison.”
“There is incitement against the prime minister. They compare him to Louis XVI, who was executed by beheading,” he said.