Ibrahim Milhem, the official spokesman for the Palestinian Authority (PA) cabinet, said on Thursday that PA cabinet leader Mohammad Shtayyeh has ordered the establishment of a committee that will examine the significance of Israel’s threat to act against Palestinian Arab banks which provide service to family members of “shaheeds” (martyrs -ed.) and to make recommendations on which action to take.
Milhem noted that the PA government is opposed to surrendering to Israeli pressures and will continue to be loyal to the prisoners and the “martyrs” and defend their rights in any scenario.
The Palestinian Authority provides monthly allowances to terrorist prisoners, many of whom have been convicted of murdering or assisting in the murder of Jews. The amount of the monthly allowance increases based on the length of the prison term.
Last year, the Israeli government decided to offset the tax money it collects on behalf of the PA because of the monthly financial aid it provides to families of terrorists. The decision meant it would withhold around $10 million per month from revenues of some $190 million per month it collects on the PA's behalf.
PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas later reiterated that he would not accept partial payment of tax transfers owed by Israel and also stressed that he would not end the financial support for the families of terrorists imprisoned or eliminated by Israel.