Health Ministry Deputy Director-General Professor Itamar Grotto on Monday told Galei Zahal that he expects a full lockdown on the first night of Passover.
"In the entire country, we need to preserve the lockdown. In areas which we identify as hotspots, we need to stop the spread," he explained.
"Will there be a complete lockdown on the seder night (first night of Passover - ed.)? As it seems right now, the answer is yes. There will be tough enforcement of this issue, so that each person will sit down only with his own family."
On Sunday evening, approved a resolution authorizing a ministerial committee tasked with defining a "restricted area" as part of the fight against the coronavirus, to approve the declaration of a "restricted area" by the military commander in Judea and Samaria.
Partial closures were discussed also for the cities of Elad, Modi'in Illit, Betar Illit, Beit Shemesh, Tiberias, Ashkelon, Migdal Haemek, Or Yehuda, several communities in Judea and Samaria, and a number of neighborhoods in Jerusalem - Har Nof, Mea She'arim, Ramot, Givat Mordechai, Ramat Shlomo, Beit Yisrael, Givat Shaul , Mekor Baruch, Kiryat Moshe, Zichron Moshe, Geula, the Bukharim quarter, Shmuel HaNavi, Sanhedriya and Bayit Vagan.