Ram Ben Barak
Ram Ben BarakPhoto by Noam Revkin Fenton/Flash90

MK Ram Ben Barak (Blue and White) told Arab media that his party, if in charge of the government, would make major changes to the Nationality Law.

According to Makor Rishon, one of the changes promised is the erasure of the word "Jewish" from Section 7 of the Nationality Law.

The law reads:

Section 7: Jewish Settlement

7a. The State sees Jewish settlement as a national value and will work to ensure and advance its creation and establishment.

The section is intended to allow the development of Jewish settlement in the Negev and Galilee regions, where much of the land is appropriated by Arabs, who build illegally.

Ben Barak, who heads Blue and White's Arab Headquarters, promised in an interview with the Mossawa Channel that his party would erase the word "Jewish" so that the law would see national importance in encouraging all types of settlement.

Ben Barak, who previously served as deputy Mossad chief, called on Arabs to vote en masse: "You need to understand this: Anyone in the Arab sector who does not vote - it's as if he voted for [Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin] Netanyahu. So I'm saying, get out and vote en masse. You can have an influence and ensure that there will be a government which truly wants to take care of the Arabs."

Transportation Minister Bezalel Smotrich (Yamina) responded: "Blue and White is having a clearout sale of the Zionist vision - and it's all in order to buy the rulership from the Arabs. It's a shameful embarrassment."