An Al Jazeera analyst on Saturday asked his followers whether Israel or the Arab regimes are more successful - and the answer has raised a storm.
"In a previous tweet I said that the Zionist enterprise has succeeded, unlike the failed Arab enterprises," Faisal al-Qassem tweeted. "I angered many, who saw the tweet as a kind of praise of Zionism. Great, so led's do a poll."
"Who has more advancement, development, democracy, and success?" he asked his millions of Twitter followers.
Fully 81.7% of the 6,168 participants responded "Israel," while just 18.3% said the Arab regimes are more successful.
Though the poll was not limited to Arab respondents, it and the rest of al-Qassem's page were written in Arabic.
Al-Qassem, a Syrian Druze, is not a supporter of Israel, but he has criticized Arab governments. On his talk show, The Opposite Direction, he attempts to rile up participants until they begin shouting at each other.