Guatemalan President-elect Alejandro Giammatte was honored at a ceremony at the Friends of Zion Museum in Jerusalem Tuesday.

Giammatte said at the ceremony: "When we talk about history, we believe in the word of G-d. We must recognize that the people of Israel are entitled to live in their own land. The world recognized a few years ago Israel's right to a state, we have repaired a historical injustice."

"You manage to make the desert bloom. I hope I can come back here a lot more. With the help of the JNF you managed to make the land bloom. You did it with a lot of love. It's a once-in-a-millennium event.

"We have nothing left but to invite the world leaders to build here and recognize that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. There is no other way," he stated.

Guatemalan President Alejandro Giammatte
Guatemalan President Alejandro GiammatteArutz Sheva

World Chairman of KKL-JNF Daniel Atar told President Giammattei: "Your decision to come here even before your inauguration speaks for itself. I would like to thank you very much for your recognition of the importance of warm and special relations with Israel, and you intend to preserve and deepen them."

"Special thanks for your important decision to declare Hezbollah a terrorist organization, and not to allow its people to operate from the territory of Guatemala.

"Precisely at this time, when anti-Semitism seems to be lifting its ugly head again and manifestations of hatred are increasing, warming the heart to realize once again - as on that November day - it is important that there are also true friends of Israel."